Friday, August 1, 2008

Bob Mikolasko and his best friend

This website is all about the good side. I haven't posted in a while. Partly because I've been busy and partly because I don't have the motivation to scour the Internet for the stories that make me feel good about writing them. Then I came across a story that just begs to be recorded here in my little personal happy feelings bank.

Bob Mikolasko is a homeless veteran living on the streets of southern California who has shared the last 16 years of his life with his dog Kaiser.

A So cal vets clinic found an envelope, and the dog on their front step one morning with a note that was so heart wrenching it brought back old memories of my dogs and how much they meant to me.

"Dear Drs, please forgive me for this horrible transgression. I have no where else to turn so I ask you to mercifully, gently and lovingly please help him sleep. His name is Kaiser and he's 16-and-a half years old. He's been my friend, my teacher, my pupil, my lifelong loving and loyal companion..." Full letter here

Debbie Herot is the manager for the clinic where Kaiser was dropped off to meet his destiny. Fortunately for the Dog Kasier, Debbie was not willing to give up. The dog did not have a stroke as his loyal owner suspected. But was actually a very mild seizure and kaiser would make a full recovery. The only problem was locating Mr. Mikolasco.

Enter Daily News Columnist Dennis Mcarthy who had heard about the lost owner. The front page of the newspaper ran a single headline "Dear Veteran: Your best pal's waiting to go home."

Long story short, there are very few people who care about a homeless man's dog left in life. And even less people willing to go the extra mile.

Debbie Herot, Daniel Mcarthy and the other people working for the daily news and the Pet Medical Center in Granada hills...the world needs more people like you. Pat yourself on the back for having the compassion and drive to remedy this situation.

Dennis Mcarthy can be reached at 818 713 3749 or you can email him her

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