Wednesday, June 20, 2007

June 20th

June 20th seems like any other day but over the course of the years like all other dates it can yield a significant amount fo history. I am a little bored at work so I am searching for fun stuff to type about. I don't blog everyday, only when I feel like it, makes it more like a hobby then a job :)

The U.S Officially adopted the Great Seal if the United States as it's official seal on June of 1782 - Highly detailed and all consuming, the seal itself it a link towards many mysteries and conspiracys about our fore fathers, and even somethat preceded them

Ahh Oil good ole oil, back ion 1972, really not all that long ago the Trans atlantic pipeline opened for buisness. The pipeline starts inPrudhoe Bay, AK and come out near Valdez. 31 workers lost their life building this pipeline in one of the worlds most dangerous reigions. OIl may be a cause of strife and hatred all over the world, but it is a nessacary evil until we as the human race can develop a more peaceful and enviormentally friendly soloution.

1 comment:

Ka_Ka said...

His finger then, now yours
here, where master stopped, went back,
counted syllables.