Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Big Toman

Every once in a while you come across something or someone so intriguing it's almost a mystery to yourself as to how this existed without you having knlowedge of it. The Big Toman also known as the Giant Snake Head is one serious fish.

It's Origin lies in South east Asia as well as having been distributed to other areas such as Singapore. These fish are large vicious fighting fish that are considered excellent sport and even better eating. These fish can grow to as large as 5 ft. They have large powerful jaws lined with what look like really sharp ass teeth.

In recent years it's very close relative the Northern Snakehead was found in a Maryland pond, an actual colony of them. They basically nuked the pond killing over a thousand young Snakehead that had taken over the pond!

This article is Is from 2002, the dangers of the snakehead in non native waters even then was a frightful thought.

In 2003 a Giant Snakehead was caught in Janesville, Wisconsin

It can live out of water for up to 4 days at a time and travels from pond to pond preying on all manner of fish and decimating local populations.

To make matters worse, the snakehead has no known natural predators in U.S waters. I wonder if a fresh water otter or a beaver could take one down.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday Briefing

The moon isn't bright in Long Beach. In fact, it's rare you even think about it. Yeah you might look up into the orange city lit sky and see it once in a while. But it's not the same as being out in a light free zone....the moon then is landmark beyond comprehension.

I often wonder what it is I seek in this life. I look at these dumb little posts below and try to comprehend if they have any meaning. Truth is, I don't think they do. I care about many things, and find many things that intrigue me so much that I want to understand every facet of every obsession. But then I forget. So I document my obsession for the fleeting second.