Thursday, January 24, 2008

Commercial Space craft is here!

Or at least one has actually been designed by Richard Branson. If you have a spare 200K lying around, stick around till 2009 when the flights are due to begin.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ried Stowe

A ways back I posted on a couple who were in the beginning stages of a 1000 day journey at sea. I'm not sure what sounds more imposing to teh average non sailor, 3 years or 1000 days, they both sound pretty hectic.

I haven't followed up on these adventerous souls as of late and was pleases to find that they have a blog here on blogspot as well Unfortunetly it appears they have switched all activity from the blog to the

Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Reins

On the flipside, many of the workers left milling about were really only here to have something to do. With the cold thunderfront comin up and the threat of a large rainstorm. No one was quite ready to give up on the day and head back into town. All eyes were on the widow monty as she left the saftey of her cool classic 1930's rambler.

Woodstock concert venue

Up for sale! Only 1 million bucks. Not bad eh :p