Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Bottle Tree man

At dawn the sun hits the bottles just right, they gleam like the worlds brightest eyes. The gentle breeze sets a peaceful mood with the tinkering of objects old and new. This isn't a mantra, it's being outside the Bottle tree ranch on a nice winter morning. Or a warm summer evening

Elmer Long is a man who has made his home off of Famous Route 66 in Helendale, Ca for over 30 years. His art, his memory and legacy will live forever now that he has cemented his status as a true roadside attraction. Check out some pictures!

Etched in History

Today, we have cameras, DVD's CD's and many more ways of storing information that will otherwise have been lost. thousands of years ago and even hundreds of years ago that was not so true. A nice flat rock and a well made chisel could be the difference between 50 years and millions of years of historical signifacance.

Left behind by ancient civilization are millions of lost pieces of art, once canvonly imagine what we have not seen or unearthed yet. Romans have drawn the most attention in this area as they were thr premier society with the tools and the know how back then. I am by no means a historian, just a blogger who blogs for the enjoyment of the subject at hand.

The city of Volubilis was unearthed in 1915 archeologist began extensive work and revealed picture perfect art in the form of beautioful mosiacs hidden from human eyes for what seemed like an eternity. Even after Rome lost her grip on the world they still would not abandon this rich grain bearing city. Today very little remains as you can see. But one day I will visit this place on my extensive tour of rome I have been planning.