Thursday, May 31, 2007

Marineland - Palos Verdes, Ca

In August, 1954, Marineland of the Pacific opened to the public for the first time. Located at the tip of Palos Verdes Peninsula in Los Angeles County It was the largest oceanarium in the world.

This was before Sea World and todays Modern super parks, this one really was great. As a child I was taken here by my parents and have fond memories of this place. I look through these old Photographs and I can remeber standing next to some of these buildings. I remember being facinated by this place.

How could something so beautiful be destroyed and let go to waste due to the frugal hearts of a handful of wealthy men and women. Marineland had one failing about it...itwas built on land that was highly desired by the rich and famous. When push came to shove, millions of dollars in the pockets of investors was more enticing then a mere world class water park. 1987 would be the last year it would be open.

With preservation efforts lacking, the majority of the old park has been torn down, vandolized or both. There is a large lack of conservation funds to keep the remainin buildings. It's only a matter of time before Marineland is just another rich kids backyard.

Visit the Marineland of the Pacific Historical Society for more Histrical info and more great pictures. Old memories don't fade out, but buildings do get torn down. And that makes me sad.

Also see Maureen Megowan's web page on the History of Palos Verdes, excellent read.

This area is also an excellent dive site location for both beach and tide launch

You can see the Atrocity that will replace the once proud marine land - The property is worth Many Millions of dollars, I wish they would preserve a little bit instead of wiping out the last remaining shred of existance. To some people it means much more

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Oro Grande - Artist rendition of 1886

Homoe is where you make it, not where you were born and not where you plan on dieing.

The Plan

Set up a trip back bo my old camping stomping grounds. As a boy I used to go to a place up near Mammoth called Rock Creek. I used to walk the banks of the river with My dad or my little brother for hours on end. Seeing a deer or Racoon was never a dull moment. Yet Those memories aren't as cherised as the ones that I have now. That time of any ones life is always a saftey net. No matter what we do nowq have or will become can't begin to take the purity that was that one week a year every year for many years.

The Travesty of Today's Living

When I was young scraping a knee wasn't to big a deal. When I was young violence in school wasn't violence at all. It was kids being kids losing there tempers. We respected our teachers and we knew our place. Todays society although only 20 years ahead has devolved back into some form of Archaic torture chamber. Every move by eveyone is constantly scrutinized and the world is more aware of how politically correct or incorrect they are then how right or wrong based on them using their own god given common sense.

Long Beach, Ca

The 2 Queen Mary's in the Same panoramic shot.
A CunardWhite Star line cruise ship. The Queen Mary was an awesome site to behold on any scale. Makes for a great weekend down in Shoreline Village. This area is Also home to the Annual Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach every April.