Monday, April 23, 2007

1000 Days at sea

Reid Stowe and Soanya Ahmed Left port on April 21'st, they will return in 1000 days in an atempt to set a new world record. Ahmed is on board as videoagrapher of the expedition.

The plan is to never refuel, nor restock, the entire trip will be self sufficent. Incredible at the very least... Head to to get the latest details from the amzing record setting team.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The 13 Crystal skulls

Enjoy the mystery that is the Mitchell Hedges Skull.
What is a Crystal Skull?

Iran's Bam Citadel under renovation

"The reconstruction process of the citadel is important to Iran since the monument has been registered on the UNESCO World Heritage in Danger List," the head of the Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts Organization (CHTHO) said on Saturday.

The Organic Endurathon

The Organic Endurathon - An idea brought forth by Steve Shriver founder of Eco Lips. 260 miles across Iowa..with a few twists thrown in to make it even harder on most endurance race runners.

Your States Enviornmental Impact

Earth Day Network’s Urban Environment Report of 72 cities in America with over 200 Variables. Yeah I know that just sounds cool. Click the link to get all sorts of juicy info.

  1. Los Angeles
  2. Seattle
  3. Dallas
  4. Washington, DC

Rosie Stancer

Meet Rosie Stancer, Director of Special Olympics of Great Britain and another reason to embrace the human race. Dediated to her cause her whole life Rosie decided she needed to go above the normal threshold. She decided to Solo the north pole. Incedible read at her Journeys blog.

A diminutive 5'4," and a mother, Rosie Stancer is not built in the image of Scott, Shackleton and Amundsen.

Memorably described by one journalist as “a cross between Tinkerbell and the Terminator,” Rosie's appearance belies the inner strength that has so successfully propelled her to previous polar success. Her achievements are testimony to the fact that dreams can be realised through skill, determination and courage. read more

Back to the Future Technology, Today!

Michael J. Fox is smiling big right now after reading this article

"The tactical biorefinery is a portable machine that can convert food waste and inorganic trash into electricity. Purdue University researchers created a unique hybrid design for the U.S. Army. It uses three distinct technologies to perform its magic:"

Relaxing Views

Sometimes when your outlook is skewed it helps to just let your imagination flow free. Landscapes are wonderful for focusing the mind.

Martin Strell

World record breaking swimmer who recently swam the entire length of the Amazon river. View his amazing journey with Videos, pictures, and reports from the support crew that was at his side through a 3000K Jaunt through some of the harshest river water on earth.

View his website for the great Amazon Swim here
Martin Strel's webite
Wikpedia Entry

What is The Good Side

Dedication to the things we should all strive for and the conquests we have and will make as the human race